VCS comparison table

Sean seanlkml at
Sun Oct 22 15:24:54 BST 2006

On Sun, 22 Oct 2006 08:57:02 -0500
"Matthew D. Fuller" <fullermd at> wrote:

> You keep insisting that there's a PROBLEM here.  You're right, I don't
> see one.  I KNOW the numbers only refer to a branch, I KNOW that when
> you're talking about a different branch the numbers are meaningless,
> and I'm perfectly fine with that because referring to revisions on *A*
> branch is exactly what I USE the numbers for.

Light goes on.  Okay.  So a bzr "branch" is only ever editable on a 
single machine.  So there is no distributed development on top of a 
bzr "branch".  Everyone else just has read-only copies of it.  In this
way you ensure that there is never a conflict of the revno's.  I'm not
sure of the ramifications of this but at least I get where you're coming
from now.


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