[ANNOUNCE] Example Cogito Addon - cogito-bundle

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Fri Oct 20 21:29:01 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Linus Torvalds wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Oct 2006, Aaron Bentley wrote:
>>Linus Torvalds wrote:
>>>Git goes one step further: it _really_ doesn't matter about how you got to 
>>>a certain state. Absolutely _none_ of what the commits in between the 
>>>final stages and the common ancestor matter in the least. The only thing 
>>>that matters is what the states at the end-point are.
>>That's interesting, because I've always thought one of the strengths of
>>file-ids was that you only had to worry about end-points, not how you
>>got there.
>>How do you handle renames without looking at the history?
> You first handle all the non-renames that just merge on their own.
> If you were to use one hundredth of a second per file regardless of file, 
> a stupid per-file merge would take 210 seconds, which is just 
> unacceptable. So you really don't want to do that.

Agreed.  We start by comparing BASE and OTHER, so all those comparisons
are in-memory operations that don't hit disk.  Only for files where BASE
and OTHER differ do we even examine the THIS version.

We can do a do-nothing kernel merge in < 20 seconds, and that's
comparing every single file in the tree.  In Python.  I was aiming for
less than 10 seconds, but didn't quite hit it.

> So recursive basically generates the matrix of similarity for the 
> new/deleted files, and tries to match them up, and there you have your 
> renames - without ever looking at the history of how you ended up where 
> you are.

So in the simple case, you compare unmatched THIS, OTHER and BASE files
to find the renames?

>   I don't know if people appreciate how good it is to do a merge of two 
>   21000-file branches in less than a second. It didn't have any renames, 
>   and it only had a single well-defined common parent, but not only is 
>   that the common case, being that fast for the simple case is what 
>   _allows_ you to do well on the complex cases too, because it's what gets 
>   rid of all the files you should _not_ worry about ]

Well, I certainly appreciate that.  I've never worried about the speed
of text merge algorithms, because you rarely merge very many files.  The
key is making the tree merge fast.

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