VCS comparison table

Jeff King peff at
Fri Oct 20 15:12:22 BST 2006

On Thu, Oct 19, 2006 at 09:06:40PM -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:

> What's nice is being able see the revno 753 and knowing that "diff -r
> 752..753" will show the changes it introduced.  Checking the revo on a
> branch mirror and knowing how out-of-date it is.

I was accustomed to doing such things in CVS, but I find the git way
much more pleasant, since I don't have to do any arithmetic:
  diff d8a60^..d8a60
(Yes, I am capable of performing subtraction in my head, but I find that
a "parent-of" operator matches my cognitive model better, especially
when you get into things like d8a60^2~3).

Does bzr have a similar shorthand for mentioning relative commits?


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