VCS comparison table

Ryan Anderson rda at
Fri Oct 20 00:28:24 BST 2006

On 10/19/06, Matthieu Moy <Matthieu.Moy at> wrote:
> Linus Torvalds <torvalds at> writes:
> > Btw, I do believe that bzr seems to be acting a lot like BK, at least when
> > it comes to versioning. I suspect that is not entirely random either, and
> > I suspect it's been a conscious effort to some degree.
> >
> > Which is fine, in the sense that there are certainly much worse things to
> > try to copy.
> By curiosity, how would you compare git and Bitkeeper, on a purely
> technical basis? (not asking for a detailed comparison, but an "X is
> globaly/much/terribly/not better than Y" kind of statement ;-) )

Having used both in a past job setting (simultaneously even),
BitKeeper was a huge win over CVS, but after a while, some of its
tools  were just very frustrating in comparison with comparable Git
interfaces, and I had actually written a terribly slow BK -> Git
converter just so I could incrementally import our BK tree, then use
Git's history-viewing because it was so much more pleasant to work

For small projects (~5 people), they weren't hugely different, but Git
just felt more comfortable after a while.  (It was actually possible
to do a commit from the command line in a single command, without
getting annoyed by the interface, for a trivial example.)

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