[MERGE] Don't require Content-Type
Ben Finney
bignose+hates-spam at benfinney.id.au
Fri Oct 13 07:35:02 BST 2006
Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> writes:
> RFC2616 7.2.1 Type
> ...
> Any HTTP/1.1 message containing an entity-body SHOULD include a
> Content-Type header field defining the media type of that body. If
> and only if the media type is not given by a Content-Type field, the
> recipient MAY attempt to guess the media type via inspection of its
> content and/or the name extension(s) of the URI used to identify the
> resource. If the media type remains unknown, the recipient SHOULD
> treat it as type "application/octet-stream".
> [...]
> I would like the comment changed to refer to section 7.2.1 of rfc2616,
> and say something like "When there is no content-type header we treat
> the response as being of type 'application/octet-stream as per RFC2616
> section 7.2.1."
s/content-type header/Content-Type field in the header/
(a response has *one* header and *one* body. the header contains
fields. yes, this is a pet peeve, how did you guess? :-)
\ "Oh, I realize it's a penny here and a penny there, but look at |
`\ me: I've worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme |
_o__) poverty." -- Groucho Marx |
Ben Finney
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