Interested in Participating

Martin Pool mbp at
Sat Oct 7 01:52:00 BST 2006

On  4 Oct 2006, Aaron Bentley < at> wrote:
> Richard Wilbur wrote:
> > Do you have any ideas for good starter projects?  From the bug lists and
> > specifications I can see some things that look big and others that look
> > small.  I don't know which are under active development, though, and I
> > can't think of a great reason to duplicate effort.
> For the bug tracker, it's safe to assume that bugs that aren't assigned
> to anyone aren't being worked on.
> We just had two cases where error messages were far uglier than they
> should have been: #63884 and Ralph Dratman's BzrCheckError.  Fixing
> those so they report user-level errors probably would be pretty easy.

I was thinking about this the other day.  It'd be nice if our blackbox
tests asserted that there were no tracebacks, unless it's a test that
specifically expects a traceback.


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