Interested in Participating

Lachlan Patrick loki at
Fri Sep 29 06:59:25 BST 2006

Matthieu Moy wrote:
> Lachlan Patrick <loki at> writes:
>> I'm wondering why Python >= 2.4 and not (for example) >= 2.3
> Well, the idea is that bzr is new and moving quickly today. The
> assumption is that people willing to install version 0.something of a
> piece of software will have no problem in installing a relatively
> recent version of Python. OTOH, when bzr reaches a stable version, it
> should have only very common dependancies, and allow people to update
> without upgrading their system completely. 2.4 is a reasonable choice
> to me (it's in all stable GNU/Linux distros I know).

Yes, I agree with all that. My situation however involves work PCs and
ISPs where I might be able to install bzr, but have less control over
which version of Python is [allowed to be] installed, because there are
standard configurations decided by sysadmin folk who may dislike users
such as me messing with them. But, if bzr needs 2.4 language features
there's no real alternative; I'll just have to try installing Python 2.4
and hope nothing breaks.


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