(partly) updated Tagging spec

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Thu Sep 28 18:06:24 BST 2006

> Well, it sounds like he is thinking to create a tag as:
> /tag-one/
>   .bzr/
>      tag-format
> We already have 100% implementation of the svn format (though it is
> exposed by branch: rather than tag:).

In this case we'd be going back to the old discussion indeed.

> Exposing them in the filesystem/url namespace seems to be exactly what
> SVN does. And either you expect a specific layout (svn prefers if you
> use trunk/, branches/, tags/), or a repository. And it seems like tags
> should be useful with plain standalone branches, with possible
> upgrades when using a repository.

Agreed, and that's why I'm hoping it's not the same idea
again (or slightly twisted but with similar semantics).

Gustavo Niemeyer

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