Is bzr on windows production ready?

Stefan Reichör stefan at
Thu Sep 28 15:04:21 BST 2006

Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> writes:

> Stefan Reichör пишет:
>> I consider to use bzr for a new project.
>> There exist two developer teams. One will work on Windows the other
>> one will work on Linux. One difficultiy is, that we work for different
>> companies and that we will have no ftp/ssh/http or whatever access
>> between the two groups. There is only email available.
>> So my idea is, to send bundles from the Windows repository via email
>> to the Linux repository (and also in the other direction).
>> Is this possible?
> Yes. It's possible. But there is exist a little problem with
> line-endings in bundle. So I earnestly recommend your team to use
> gzipped_bundle[1] plugin and send via e-mail only gzipped patches. In
> both directions (Win->Linux, Linux->Win). Otherwise you every time
> will face with CRLF<->LF problem.
> To make gzipped patches you need only my plugin installed and then:
> $ bzr bundle --output=patch.gz
> Then send patch.gz to your second team. On another end you need save
> patch.gz somewhere and then:
> $ bzr merge patch.gz
> And all will do.
> Even if you decide you don't need gzipped bundles *never* create
> bundles without --output flag.

Thanks for that valuable information.
Any chance to get the gzipped_bundle plugin in the core bzr?
It is a requirement for many projects to allow interoperation between
Linux<->Windows. So this functionality is needed to get the correct

>> The next thing I'd like to know is, if there are any Windows GUI Tools
>> for bzr available.
> Right now there is only Olive project[2] that can works as stand-alone
> application (require GTK+PyGTK). It's in early age but some functions
> is working.
> There is also some GTK-based GUI-plugins that very similar to Olive
> (see Plugins Registry, section GUI [3]).
>> And I'd like to know, if there are already people using bzr on Windows
>> (in conjunction with Linux).
>> I need some pointers to motivate my decision for bzr.
> I completely switch to use bzr instead of CVS in my job projects in
> December 2005. Since I never want come back. I really needs
> distributed/decentralized VCS for my job/personal projects so I get
> it.
> I use bzr every day and I really like it.
> As I see there is only one real competitor in area of distributed VCS
> on Windows -- darcs.
> Now I have co-worker on Linux, and therefore my bzr experience is wider.

Is someone else using bzr on Windows? ;-)
How big are your repositories and do you recommend bzr for a project


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