Interested in Participating

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Thu Sep 28 13:58:10 BST 2006

Richard Wilbur <richard.wilbur at> writes:

> What is de rigueur for development platform?  The latest updated stable
> Ubuntu release (Dapper) or the bleeding edge development (Edgy)? 

Any will do. bzr runs smoothly on the last stable Debian too. I find
it nice to have developers and users reporting bugs on various
platforms and configuration, so the best is probably to use a platform
that no one else is using ;-).

> I have Python 2.4.3 installed. Is new development relying on,
> preferring, accommodating, or ignoring new features of Python 2.5?

Up to now, bzr is supposed to work with python >= 2.4. It's quite
important to keep bzr portable (and therefore 2.4 compatibility),
since this is an essential tool for multi-platform development, so I
think breaking compatibility with 2.4 will have to wait for a long

That said, I'm not a core developer, just an occasional contributor.


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