bzr server

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Sep 21 17:02:20 BST 2006

Erik Bågfors wrote:
> I'm really happy to see the smart server going into the next release.
> After playing around with it a little, I have some comments and ideas...
> First of all, I'd like to be able to serve a branch and not just a
> repo.  Lot's of times I might have a number of branches in a repo, and
> I want someone to get to one just of the branches.
> Secondly, I really think it should default to a specific port.  So
> that bzr://host/path/to/branch would make sence
> Then, I think it should be possible to serve many repos and branches
> from the same server.
> We have the following setup
> ~/product1/trunk
> ~/product1/branch1
> ~/product1/branch2
> ~/product2/trunk
> ~/product2/branch1
> Where "product1" and "product2" are repos.  I'd like to be able to
> serve that from one server process.
> I also cannot find any way to list branches on a server, I believe
> that this is needed so that one can access all branches on a known
> server.
> Regards,
> Erik

If you have bzrtools, there is a command 'bzr branches [path]', which
does this. Basically, if you have sftp/local it does a list_dir() and
then tries to instantiate a branch for each path. Over http, it
screen-scrapes the http index, and tries to find relative paths. Which
means it generally works for Apache default indexes.

It isn't terribly optimized, in that it tries to check for a branch on
every file or directory listed (it only skips ".bzr"). So if you have
working trees, it is *very* slow. But we don't really intend for remote
repositories to have working trees, so it should actually work on all
current formats. The smart server has 'list_dir' implemented, so it
should work just fine.


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