(fwd) strange bzr error

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Wed Sep 20 07:44:02 BST 2006

There seem to be a couple of things going on here:

 - The warning about limbo dirs uses $()s not %()s.
   (I guess this doesn't raise an error because formatting a string from
   a dictionary doesn't complain if there are unused values.)

 - Something is missing finally blocks?

 - Perhaps we should give briefer messages on the "not unlocked"

----- Forwarded message from Steve Alexander <steve at canonical.com> -----

From: Steve Alexander <steve at canonical.com>
Subject: strange bzr error
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 11:48:03 +0300
To: Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com>

Hi Martin,

I got the following trying to pull some stuff from a repository into a tree.

This is with the bzr that the launchpad team are testing.

stevea at launchpad-test:/srv/launchpad.net/launchpad$ bzr pull ~/launchpad/ui/
bzr: ERROR: Unable to delete transform temporary directory $(limbo_dir)s.
    Please examine /srv/launchpad.net/launchpad/.bzr/checkout/limbo to
see if it contains any files you wish to
    keep, and delete it when you are done.

UserWarning: file group
url=file:///srv/launchpad.net/launchpad/.bzr/checkout/>) was not
explicitly unlocked
  warn("file group %r was not explicitly unlocked" % self)
UserWarning: file group
url=file:///srv/launchpad.net/launchpad/.bzr/branch/>) was not
explicitly unlocked
  warn("file group %r was not explicitly unlocked" % self)
UserWarning: file group
url=file:///srv/launchpad.net/launchpad/.bzr/repository/>) was not
explicitly unlocked
  warn("file group %r was not explicitly unlocked" % self)

I've never heard of the limbo stuff before.
It is annoying that I'm getting these warnings that look identical, but
on closer inspection aren't.


----- End forwarded message -----

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