Push after commit --local

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr
Tue Sep 19 10:31:57 BST 2006


I'm looking for the best way to push locally commited revision to the
master branch. If the local and master have diverged, "update; commit"
does the right thing.

However, I often have the case where I do a local commit on my laptop,
and then come back online, on a branch on which I'm the only commiter.
In this case, "update" introduces an artefact on my history, which I
don't want.

"push sftp://path.to/master" is what I want, but I'd like it to be
easier to type.


$ bzr push --master

could be implemented?

("push" without argument doesn't do the right thing since the
remembered location can be different from the master branch)


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