[step 11] request: 12 steps towards a high performance server

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Sep 14 00:16:57 BST 2006

On Wed, 2006-09-13 at 14:46 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Is the smart server intended to be more connectionless? (I think RPC
> generally works that way). If it is, I guess that is okay. Though I
> think I would rather it be more of a conversational server. Such that
> you start with a handshake, and then talk back and forth from there. 

Some notes on the current state of things.

 * The protocol is versioned so that we can change it from release to
release. At least in early days there is no plan to support multiple
versions as once in either client or server. So we can address 'the
protocol is wrong' post merge, and post-release if needed.
 * The protocol is deliberately stateless, so that it will operate over
http with a new server instance on every request. This is important for
both http compatability, and scalability.

So you can handshake and build up a larger request, but every request is
standalone and self-contained.

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