[MERGE] fix bug #39542 for heavyweight checkouts

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Sep 11 02:05:25 BST 2006

``Branch.bind(other_branch)`` no longer takes a write lock on the
other branch, and will not push or pull between the two branches.
API users will need to perform a push or pull or update operation if
require branch synchronisation to take place. (Robert Collins)

``bzr bind`` no longer synchronises history with the master branch.
Binding should be followed by an update or push to synchronise the      
two branches. This fixes bug #39542 for heavyweight checkouts.
(Robert Collins)

I'll merge the whole group of branches when this is approved, I think
all the prerequisites have had +1.

GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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