Bzr 0.10 release candidate 1

David Allouche david at
Sat Sep 9 14:59:24 BST 2006

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Launchpad could certainly do some of this if we can get it to track when
> a branch has been merged. And then if a branch has been marked as having
> a bugfix, it could automatically mark a bug as Fix Released (or
> whatever) once that branch has been seen to be merged into the Trunk branch.

We definitely want to do that.

But there are several stepping stones before we can get there, and some
semantic details to clear up.

For example, in your suggestion, it's not really clear how to deal with
bugfixes that originate from a long-lived branch instead of a
short-lived feature branch. To assert that something has been merged, we
need to record that a revision includes the bugfix, and look for merges
including that revision.

Just to clear things up, it's not (yet?) a call for comments. We have a
clear idea of the infrastructure changes needed to get there and we are
actively working on them.
                                                            -- ddaa

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