Pushing to a branch with empty working tree gives error

David Allouche david at allouche.net
Tue Sep 5 21:13:36 BST 2006

Robert Widhopf-Fenk wrote:
> On Thursday, August 24, 2006 at 18:47:29, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> [...]
>>> I removed .bzr/checkout by hand, but that seems like there
>>> should be a command to nuke the working tree of a branch, a
>>> command I must have missed so far.
>> No. We've discussed adding an explicit command for it. But:
>> a) Not 100% sure what it should be called (uncheckout,
>>    remove-checkout, ???)
> bzrtools has "zap", but it does not work on "heavy" checkouts.
> "uncheckout" sounds good, similar to "unbind", "uncommit"
> ... I think I would have found it instantly.

That would be nice, but it would also be useful to be able to "bzr push

That would also be useful to help people recover from incomplete initial
push to Launchpad.


Before that bug is fixed (or bug 45504 or bug 30576), one way to recover
would be:

 * delete the broken .bzr on the launchpad sftp
 * do "bzr push --no-workingtree" locally
 * copy the bzr in the produced branch to the launchpad sftp

That would save the need for .bzr surgery to remove the .bzr/checkout.
                                                            -- ddaa

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