Possible BUG in bzr push

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Sep 5 15:27:20 BST 2006

Jorges wrote:
> hi all,
> My ISP gives me some space to host my personal web page. I can upload by
> using ftp. Yesterday I thought of using it to hold some of my personal
> branches. What I did:
> cd ~/my-branch
> bzr push ftp://username@ftp.address.for.uploading/
> I get asked for the password:
> FTP username at ftp.address.for.uploading password:
> And after typing it I get the following message:
> bzr: ERROR: File exists: '/': 550 /: File exists
> Note that the root of my personal web space is mapped to the root of the
> ftp server. Am I doing something wrong?
> I am using bzr-0.10, bzrtools-0.10, paramiko-1.6.1, Crypto 2.0.1
> jorges

'bzr push' wants to create the directory if it is not already a bzr
branch. Also, older versions of bzr had problems pushing to the root
directory of a filesystem. (should be fixed in 0.9).

One workaround that you can do with bzr > 0.9 (if the directory already
exists), is to use 'bzr init' to create a remote branch, and then push
into it.

bzr init ftp://username@ftp.address/
bzr push ftp://username@ftp.address/

Should work.

There could be permission problems, preventing you from creating the
lock directories. Or any of a number of things. If you can join
'irc.freenode.net' channel '#bzr', we can give you live support, rather
than emailing back and forth.

It is possible that your ISP doesn't like the filenames bzr is trying to
use. (I recall geocities only allowing specific file names, like .txt or
.html, and it would barf if you tried to put anything else there).


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