[PING][MERGE] Waiting on locks

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Mon Sep 4 11:23:25 BST 2006

On  4 Sep 2006, Matthieu Moy <Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr> wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:
> > I haven't had any feedback on this, other than Robey's comment that the
> > default bzr timeout should be infinite. I'd probably be okay bumping it
> > back to 5 min, or something else on request.
> 5 minutes seems to me much better than infinite.
> If I have bzr running non-interactively, like, in a cron job (pull and
> push operations are likely to end up in cron jobs), I want bzr to fail
> and to tell me why if something's wrong instead of running
> indefinitely.
> If I've left a lock somewhere, with a timeout, I'd get a mail every
> morning telling me so, whereas with an infinite timeout, I'd silently
> get one more "bzr" process in the background every day.

I was going to say infinite too, but I think Matthieu's argument is
compelling - it should be finite by default.


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