Improved conversion from cvs => bzr

Robert Collins robertc at
Mon Sep 4 04:13:32 BST 2006

On Sun, 2006-09-03 at 13:47 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> I had an idea about how the conversion process could be changed to make
> it faster.
> Basically, the idea is that in a cvs => bzr conversion, you first read
> the rlog, and you parse that so that you get all the revisions you want
> to generate, similar to how tailor does it (and I assume cscvs does it),
> only you actually assign the final revision id for every changeset.

This is the basic approach used by my mercurial plugin.

The key things in the CVS case are:

 * to generate the per file graph you need the revision ids for the
commits that will be occuring.
 * to generate the commits that are needed you need the rlog data for
all the files to synthesis changesets [including breaking loops and
enforcing monotonic increases of revids while grouping by timestamp etc]

So you have to generate all the rlogs first. Then you can turn those
into inventories, then you can do each files data straight into a knit,
and finally write the inventories then write the revisions.

Rob [ who has done this a few too many times now ]

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