Alternate go at fast pull: bzrbundler
Lalo Martins
lalo.martins at
Sat Sep 2 20:03:55 BST 2006
Ok, so the rpc idea sounded nice, but didn't work so well in practise (the
bzrlib abstractions don't fit it easily).
But this week I actually sat to learn mercurial, and I realised it's not
really very hard for bzr to do what it does, since we already have
bundles. What I needed was something on the server side that generates
bundles for me, and the ability to use that from the client side.
You can get both from (I'd
put it on launchpad, but I don't want to register a product if I don't
know this will live more than a few days). This address has a working
tree if you want to give it a quick test, a normal http-served branch you
can check out, and also a bundler so you can use it to test itself.
It contains a mod_python script (with examples to install it on your
apache configuration), and a plugin that patches bzrlib to:
- recognise a bundler as a bundle if you're currently inside a branch (in
which case it will generate a bundle from your current tip to the remote
branch's tip); this allows you to `bzr merge` from a bundler
- allow you to branch from a bundle if that bundle is "rooted" at the
empty tree (null revision), so you can `bzr branch` from a bundler
If people generally agree with these changes, I can reimplement them as
changes to and post a bundle (with unit tests). Right now, in an
experimental stage, I'm more comfortable with them as a plugin.
This is not a substitute to the complete smart server that's being worked
on, but it's a quick fix that makes sense (IMO) on the bzr model, and that
allows us to use bzr more quickly until the smart server lands.
Known issues:
- Branching from a bundle spews "Inventory sha hash mismatch" for *every*
revision; which probably means I'm doing something wrong, but the
resulting branch always has the right contents, so I don't know that it is.
- As a bundle is not a branch, `bzr branch -r` can't use revision numbers.
It does work with revids though. It might be possible to fake revno
support by introspecting the bundle info, I'm just not sure it's worth it.
- The "basis" argument of branch is not implemented; not sure it even
makes sense in this context.
- I only bothered to write a mod_python handler. A CGI (or WSGI) version
is left as exercise to the reader. Bundles (or bundlers) with one would
be gladly accepted.
Branching or merging from the bundler (from a remote server) gives me
dramatic speed increases; small branches (such as bzrbundler itself)
are almost instantaneous. A larger branch (955 revisions, 798 items
in the inventory), however, took a long time to compute and download
the bundle, then the whole process took longer than the "usual" way
(didn't complete yet, so I don't know how long), and used horrible
amounts of CPU and memory, so it may not be really an option.
I have a rough plan for adding a "submit" command to the bundler
protocol; it will get a signed bundle, verify it against a keyring
specified in the configuration (for basic access control), and apply
it to the branch. I'll get to it later this week if I get another
large chunk of free time.
Lalo Martins
So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
then they seem improbable, and then, when we
summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom
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