Using ReStructuredText on the Wiki

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Aug 25 20:52:53 BST 2006

I was looking into it, and it seems the latest version of our website is
restructured text enabled:

The help there is a little bit wrong, because you need to start the text as:


not as "#!rst"

Anyway, I was wondering if it is okay to use this for wiki pages. Or
whether we generally want to use Wiki for consistency.

I personally prefer rST, since it is also the format we use for our
offline and now* documentation.

It also makes it easy to format stuff locally, and then upload it, and I
can do preview using rst2html or the like.

I really like being able to edit things in Vim (editmoin is very nice).
But when using editmoin, there is no 'preview' button. So it frequently
takes several iterations to get all of the wiki syntax correct. And each
one generates an email that people have to deal with.

Anyway, I'm not stuck on using it. But I thought it would be nice.


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