Pushing to a branch with empty working tree gives error

Robert Widhopf-Fenk hack at robf.de
Thu Aug 24 23:50:31 BST 2006

When pushing to a local branch where I removed the working
tree by (rm *) I get an error message that the working tree
files do not exist.

But still push did what it should do.

What is the right way to generate a branch without working
tree and not cause this error?

I removed .bzr/checkout by hand, but that seems like there
should be a command to nuke the working tree of a branch, a
command I must have missed so far.

Is there a command or should I do

  bzr inventory | xargs rm -rf

Also I wonder why the working tree is created by push while
its docs say:

| The target branch will not have its working tree populated because this
| is both expensive, and is not supported on remote file systems.



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