Meld's Bazaar support

James Troup james.troup at
Tue Aug 22 21:24:54 BST 2006

John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:

>> That doesn't require distributing GPL'd code, it just calls into
>> bzrlib (GPL'd) from meld (2-c BSD'd), which is fine AFAICT.  So, I
>> don't see the licensing issue.  What am I missing?
> That isn't legal.

Err, you're mistaken.  Mixing BSD-without-advertising and GPL code is
absolutely fine.

Linking a BSD-without-advertising program with a GPL library (or
importing a GPL module or whatever) simply creates a derived work
whose resulting license is GPL _and_ BSD-without-advertising.

> GPL doesn't say it is allowed to be called by BSD-2c.

Section 6 allows for it because BSD-without-advertising passes the
critical "You may not impose any further restrictions on the
recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein" test.


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