multiple users at the same time on one repo...
T Budiman
ducdedalmatie at
Tue Aug 22 21:06:18 BST 2006
> Your approach to have everyone use the same branch
> means that you have a
> different problem. Waiting on a lock won't help you,
> because your branch
> is now out of date if someone commits before you.
> You have to update
> locally.
It's true for bzr commit. But at least for bzr update
it's make sense to wait on the lock.
> Sounds like a plain bug. But I'm thinking the
> problem is permissions.
> Try running:
> chown -R .group .bzr/
> find .bzr -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 2775
> find .bzr -type f -print0 | xarsg -0 chmod 664
Oh, yes, I think this setup should work. Our default
umask is actually 022, but I think I can change it to
002. OK, thank you, I'll post to the list if we get
any more problems with this setup.
> For now, let us know if the above fixes your
> problem. We may need to
> also create the lock directories so that they can be
> broken. We might be
> creating them only user readable, so that when we go
> to peek and see who
> is holding the lock, only the original owner can
> read them. And while
> technically anyone could break the lock, we peek
> before we break, and
> that is causing problems for you.
I'm not sure I could follow you on this one. Why
peeking before breaking could cause problems?
Are those pending directories actually usable for
something? I occasionally remove them manually.
T. Budiman
Bandung INA
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