[ANN] bzr.webdav: a writable hhtp transport

Vincent LADEUIL v.ladeuil at alplog.fr
Tue Aug 22 16:21:28 BST 2006

Hi all,


is a plugin which implements  the DAV protocol client part (well,
the part needed for bzr at least).

Its performances are horrible,  bzr have recently switched to the
append-to-update approach  which means that  each time a  file is
updated it should be downloaded, updated locally, uploaded.

This plugin was born today  (well, last week), give it some time
to mature. If you care about your data, make backups.

Still reading ? Ok, the good news then.

The good  news is that the  performances can hardly  be worse and
that there is some solutions to improve them.

The other  good news is  that it has  been tested on  DAV enabled
Apache 1.x and 2.x and comes with a transport test server that is
able to pass the 'bzr  selftest' (minus two tests: lock_write and
copy_to for which I need some lights).

The intent  of this plugin is  to offer a solution  to people who
are behind  firewalls (the real  hard to get through  variety) or
those who can't install a smart server.

Enough hype.

I  welcome any  kind of  remark  on any  subject (well,  somewhat
related to the plugin).

Happy reading, reviewing, testing,


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