minor global state nit in status blackbox tests

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Aug 22 06:20:28 BST 2006

Hi, these two blackbox status tests set bzrlib.user_encoding globally,
which seems undesirable. Perhaps run_bzr should be capable of setting
the user_encoding for the command being run ?

-Rob & Martin

    def test_stdout_ascii(self):
        sys.stdout = StringIO()
        bzrlib.user_encoding = 'ascii'
        working_tree = self.make_uncommitted_tree()
        stdout, stderr = self.run_bzr("status")

        self.assertEquals(stdout, """\

    def test_stdout_latin1(self):
        sys.stdout = StringIO()
        bzrlib.user_encoding = 'latin-1'
        working_tree = self.make_uncommitted_tree()
        stdout, stderr = self.run_bzr('status')

        self.assertEquals(stdout, u"""\
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