[merge] Unicode Exception fixes

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Aug 21 21:22:09 BST 2006

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>>> There are a few bugs listed, which occur because of how we raise errors
>>> with Unicode strings.
>>> -    cmd = str(argv.pop(0))
>>> +    cmd = argv.pop(0)
>>> +    try:
>>> +        cmd = cmd.encode('ascii')
>>> +    except UnicodeError:
>>> +        raise errors.UnicodeCommand(cmd)
> Do we actually want a specific error here?  I would think we should
> continue, and let get_cmd_object raise "unknown command" as usual.  No
> need to complain about the fact that it's unicode; the fact that it's
> unknown is enough.

I could go either way. But raising an explicit error helps people
realize that we don't support unicode command names.

This could also be done on the register_command() side.
At the very least this gives a nicer traceback.

>>> --- bzrlib/errors.py
>>> +++ bzrlib/errors.py
>>> @@ -126,7 +126,12 @@
>>>      def __str__(self):
>>>          try:
>>> -            return self.__doc__ % self.__dict__
>>> +            # __str__() should always return a 'str' object
>>> +            # never a 'unicode' object.
>>> +            s = self.__doc__ % self.__dict__
>>> +            if isinstance(s, unicode):
>>> +                return s.encode('utf8')
>>> +            return s
>>>          except (NameError, ValueError, KeyError), e:
>>>              return 'Unprintable exception %s: %s' \
>>>                  % (self.__class__.__name__, str(e))
> I think this is going too far; a string may be unicode while still being
> convertible-to-ascii.  In any case, we may well be able to print errors
> in unicode, which would be preferable.
> How about:

You forget that utf-8 is a strict superset of ascii. All ascii
characters are unchanged in utf-8. So your proposal actually always
gives the same result, only you have to catch yet another exception.

s.encode('ascii') == s.encode('utf8') will always be true unless the
first one raises a UnicodeError.


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