Weekly 0.10 release status - Freeze starts now.

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Aug 21 02:07:36 BST 2006

Hi, this is a weekly summary I will send out about the 0.10 release.

Current trunk status: Frozen for pre-release. 

At this point only trivial fixes should be committed to the trunk.
Trivial has no hard and fast definition - but I'm sure you all know it
when you see it.

This is a good time to be doing bugfixes from Malone.

As an example, the makefile changes for html doc creation are IMO
trivial. The changes needed to fix 43744 - (bzr bind should just bind,
not push) - would be non trivial - because its not of local and limited

Any regressions found during the period though, will get a special
exemption to fix - either by doing a backout of the cause, or by
tweaking to fix.

Next week we cut the pre-release, at which point the trunk will be
re-opened, and a new branch for 0.10 created.

Theres no list of targeted specs or bugs this week, because the time for
major work to land is past.

I'll setup the milestones etc for 0.11 midweek, so we can start on the
0.11 cycle.

GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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