R: Bazaar-NG webserve

kreijack at alice.it kreijack at alice.it
Fri Aug 18 08:11:58 BST 2006

No, the git style isn't available; if anyone would develop it, I can help him to integrate

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: michaelellerman at gmail.com per conto di Michael Ellerman
Inviato: ven 18/08/2006 5.53
A: kreijack at alice.it
Cc: bazaar-ng at lists.canonical.com
Oggetto: Re: Bazaar-NG webserve
On 8/15/06, Goffredo Baroncelli <kreijack at alice.it> wrote:
> Hi all,
> After few months I restart the develop of the webserve interface, so
> I would announce a new release of the bazaar "webserve" interface. The
> bigger new is the new style of the interface, which now is W3C validated.
> Thank for every suggest came from this mailing list.
> The main page can be reached ( and pulled ) at the following URL:
> http://goffredo-baroncelli.homelinux.net/bazaar/bazaar-webserve

I noticed the hg version has a "gitweb" style, which I really like, is
that in your ported version?


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