[RFC][PATCH] Produce HTML docs to upload on server

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Thu Aug 17 09:02:17 BST 2006

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> I do cross-platform rst2html launcher to use directly from Makefile.
>> Therefore Makefile almost not changed.
>> To produce HTML docs to upload onto Canonical server use command:
>> make htmldocs
> ...
> v- To avoid confusion, it should probably be called 'rst2html_wrapper.py'

I change to rst2html_launcher.py. I think it's more appropriate.

> ^- The only problem with invoking rst2html.py in this way on Win32, is
> that you have to have python associated with .py files, and not a text
> editor, etc. I ran into this problem because I had 2.3 installed, which
> was associated, and when I installed 2.4 it did not associate, so when I
> uninstalled 2.3 all of my associations were gone. And I couldn't
> manually associate for some reason. I had to re-install python 2.4.

I understand you and agree. But...

> So I would be a little bit happier doing something that knows that
> rst2html.py is in Scripts near the python executable on win32. But I
> don't require that.

It require the *really* complicated hack: looking for installed version
of python in registry, then search through their Scripts directories for
installed docutils.

This part is only fallback if docutils installed in another python
version then used when rst2html_launcher.py invoked. This code is mostly
designed for Linux where no one know how rst2html executable exactly named.

> ...
> There are some inconsistencies between the make commands:
> make htmldocs
> make copy_docs
> make clean-docs
> We should probably standardize on a naming scheme.

I agree. Reworked.

> I like it in general. The only thing I would block on is the
> tools/rst2html.py => tools/rst2html_wrapper.py
> And I would *like* more consistent Make targets.

Attached reworked version for review and merge request.


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