shelf plugin, bzrlib/ and binary files diff

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed Aug 16 16:42:43 BST 2006

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> I use Shelf plugin and very often it fails when there is changes in
> binary files. I'm not sure who should draw attention for this error. Per
> example little test with bzr.ico:

This looks like it won't actually shelve and unshelve the changes to the
binary file. It just allows shelve not to puke on Binary file changes.
Which I guess is a reasonable start.

What you probably want to do is something more like:


Which can generate a base-64 encoded diff of binary contents.

Or just pass allow_binary=True to internal_diff() when you use it.
The contents will be binary chunks, but it means you don't need to know
if a given chunk is base-64 encoded or not.


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> === modified file 'bzrlib/'
> --- bzrlib/	2006-06-15 03:10:51 +0000
> +++ bzrlib/	2006-08-15 07:30:49 +0000
> @@ -321,6 +321,8 @@
>              continue
>          if line.startswith('#'):
>              continue
> +        if line.startswith('Binary files'):
> +            continue
>          elif line.startswith('--- '):
>              if len(saved_lines) > 0:
>                  yield saved_lines

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