[PATCH] 'make docs' little improvements for cross-platform compatibility

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Wed Aug 16 02:08:44 BST 2006

On 15 Aug 2006, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> wrote:

> Well, in this case I give up to write cross-platforming Makefile for
> upload docs to server. If you give me indulgence to use SCons, I could
> make another try.

I like SCons, using that rather than Make would in general be fine with
me.  But really most of the makefile is just to capture little shell
command lines, such as how to run pyflakes or make tags.  Things that
need to be done to build & install bzr should be in the setup.py, and
possibly we should move 'make docs' into there.


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