MIME type for bundles?

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Aug 15 16:41:52 BST 2006

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Matthieu Moy wrote:
>>> Side note: don't name your patch foo.bar-patch, but instead,
>>> foo.bar.patch or <whatever>.patch (or .diff) so that your mailer gets
>>> a chance to provide the correct document type (text/plain or
>>> text/x-patch).
> Which raises an interesting question: do we need a MIME type for bundles?
> x-bazaar-bundle perhaps?
> Aaron

Well, it sounds like it could be text/x-bazaar-bundle

However, that causes problems because I assume things marked as 'text'
can have their line endings modified.

Which means we would want:

But then readers would not show the file contents by default.

I'm just guessing though, it may only be 'text/plain' that can be munged.


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