[RFC] Trying to get something better that revno:N:branch to deal with remote revs

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr
Sun Aug 13 11:46:41 BST 2006


In the past, I've brought this topic several times in this mailing
list. The basic problem is that the revision specifiers do not allow
one to deal with a remote revision. The typical problem is: take two
arbitrary remote revisions. bzrlib knows how to diff them, but up to
recently, it was not exported in the UI at all.

There are roughly 3 ways to deal with it:

1) Extend the revisionspec to deal with remote locations. That's what
   I implemented allowing one to do "diff -r revno:42:http://branch.com/"

2) Extend URL to deal with revisions. There used to be a syntax for
   this which has been pulled out (http://location.com/path/@3 IIRC)

3) Keep URL and revision spec distinct, and ask both to be provided on
   the command line.

Indeed, I think 1) and 2) are quite the same. In both cases, the
syntax is like <URL><separator><revspec> or <revspec><separator><URL>.

Today, 1) is implemented and is in bzr.dev. I'll try to summarize the
advantages and drawbacks:


- It keeps the revno and the URL grouped on the command line, it's
  clear which URL the number refers to. In particular, it allows to
  build the command line easily from a script or programm calling bzr
  as an external process (I've played a bit with DVC and this too,
  it's really convenient).

- The revision spec is regexp-matchable. In a natural language
  sentence like "It's implemented in revno:3:http://some-site.com/", a
  human and an automatic tool immediately notice that this is a remote
  revision spec (in DVC, we had something about that for Arch revision
  identifiers, a Gnus user would just click the
  "foo at bar.com/cat--br--1.0--patch-12" to get the log and the diff).
  It's also easily cut-and-past-able.

- UI similar to "branch:http://site.com/" revision specifier which is
  already here.


- It allows only revno to be specified.

  * For completeness, revid should be allowed. I thought the syntax
    would naturally extend to "revid:<revid>:<path>", but revid can
    contain a ':'.

  * For conveinience, any other revision spec should be allowed. There
    should be a direct encoding of "First revision commited yesterday
    in branch <foo>", or "last but one revision in <bar>" for example.

- It introduces some branch-related stuff in the revision spec (both
  in the UI and in the code).

I can see two ways to try to solve this problem:

- Have a syntax to specify both /any/ revision specifier (not just
  revno) and a branch URL in a single string. I like the concept, but
  I didn't come up with a satisfactory syntax. Here's a brain-dump of
  what I envisaged:

  Example: "date:yesterday(http://site.com/branch)"
  Drawback: shell metacharacter.

  <revspec>[URL], <revspec>{URL}, ...:
  Drawback: same

  That'd be a generalization of revno:N:path
  Drawback: Ambiguous, at least "revid:some:id:URL" would be

  Same problem, @ can be in the revspec.

  This has been proposed by someone else a long time ago. I don't
  remember if it was only URL;revno=N, URL;revid=id or any revision
  spec like URL;date:yesterday though.
  Drawback: Shell metacharacter
            Ambiguous in some cases, URL can contain a ';'.

  URL at revspec
  Drawback: Ambiguous too. For example,

  The idea would be a recursive revision specifier, like "before".
  Drawback: Once more, ambiguous.

Well, the conclusion is that it's hard to get something easy to type
(no shell metacharacters) and unambiguous. Indeed, with branch:, there
are already ambiguities: I can have a branch whose name is
"foo..revid:bar", it's a valid directory name!

- Remove any reference to branches in revision specifiers (this means
  deprecating "branch:" also. It didn't raise the same problems in the
  code because it did a local fetch, but a) this local fetch is not
  always necessary/possible/good and b) in the UI, the fact that it
  does a local fetch should not be visible), and move to 3) above.

  That's not simple to do right. For commands taking one branch, it's
  trivial, just

  $ bzr command [-r revspec] [branch]

  We loose regexp-matchability, cut-and-past-ability and the
  possibility to have a complete revision spec in a single string
  (better for scripts).

  But for commands taking two branches, I find

  $ bzr command -r rev1..rev2 branch1 branch2

  really bad from all points of view (user-friendliness and script

  So, IMHO, this kind of syntax should come in bzr.dev only if we have
  a way to group revision and branch together on the command-line.

  Once more, here's a brain-dump:

  $ bzr diff --from revno:12 ../otherbranch --to revid:foo ../yet-another 
  Multiple '-r' options, forcing the branch to come right after the
  revision specifier.
  $ bzr diff -r revno:12 ../otherbranch -r revid:foo ../yet-another 
  - It raises the question of whether mutliple -r should cumulate or
    override each other.
  - It's not that easy to implement with the current code for option
  - It means -r can take either one or two arguments. Hard to give a
    meaning to "bzr diff -r foo bar", since it'd depend on wether bar
    is a filename or a branch.

  --fully-qualified-revision REVSPEC BRANCH
  with a shortcut -R REVSPEC BRANCH
  $ bzr merge -R date:yesterday http://site.com/ \
              -R revid:foo http://other-site.com
  Drawback: Same as multiple -r above except the last.

At the moment, I'd think the last proposal is the least bad. It's not
ambiguous, it's easy to type, it provides maximal expressivity. It
could be used with -r too:

  $ bzr diff -r 3 -R 4 http://remote/branch

I'm willing to spend some time on an implementation if the team agrees
on a specification.

Any comments/flames/better proposals are welcome.


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