
Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Fri Aug 11 13:01:20 BST 2006

William Dode <wilk-ml at> writes:

> Hi,
> In the NEWS :
>      ~/.bazaar/ignore will be created if it does not exist, but with
>      a more conservative list than the old default.
> In wich situation exactly this ignore file will be created ? I could 
> find...

Whenever bzr tries to access it (i.e. running bzr ignore, bzr
status, ...).

Indeed, it might be better to check its presence at each startup. The
problem being "I know I want to add patterns X and Y to my ignore
list, but this file doesn't exist yet". If the user creates the file,
then it won't get the default pattern afterwards. But that's an
unusual situation.


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