weekly 0.10 release status

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Aug 7 06:08:30 BST 2006

Hi, this is a weekly summary I will send out about the 0.10 release.

We have the following open specs targeted at 0.10. 'working on' just
means that I'm expecting the named person to be the next person taking
an action on it - it does not imply exclusivity! If your name is beside
something you weren't aware of, speak up! (I'm not trying to tell people
what to do here - I'm trying to make sure that we as a community know
what things are taken care of, and what things are likely to fall
through the cracks because noone is active on it.) The data is pulled
from Launchpad, so if you need corrections to it, either do it
yourself :),  or tell me your lp usercode and what needs changing.

Noone working on:
Essential Put the bzr manual and bzr help output online
Medium    Record bzr benchmark performance history
Medium    Provide maximally useful per-file log output.
Medium Support path kind changing without delete and add pairs
Low Merge and pull from bundles by piping into bzr
Low Merge directly from bundles (PQM)
Undefined New ignore rule handling

Robert working on:
Essential Fast working tree state format

Martin Working on:
Essential Tags for Bazaar
Medium    Smart Server for Bzr

Aaron working on:
Medium    Introdue a unique id for tree-roots.
Medium    Supporting nested trees in Bazaar-NG

John working on:
Medium    Optimise commit performance

We have the follow bugs (which generally should be defects not new
features!!! (thats a note to everyone, dont make a bug for a new feature

Assigned to noone:
Critical 55134   New makefile target to produce HTML online documentation
Critical 55149 documentation audit needed
Medium 43744 bzr bind should just bind, not push
Medium 48913 OSError 17 File Exists on bzr merge (Win32)
Medium 54000 Nested progress bar not cleaned up on early exit 
Medium 54107 Cannot perform "bzr mv" on a working tree while the repository...
Medium 54114 python 2.5 is changing the semantic of except:
Medium 54172 revert after merge don't delete directories added by merge itself
Low 5158 rfc: don't treat missing files as deleted
Low 55460 Checkout . has no conflict resolver.
Low 55461 get_transport accepts non-URL's

Assigned to Wouter:
High 30576 bzr push to an extant non-branch directory fails horribly
51980 bzr log <file> displays irrelevant log records

Assigned to John:
Low 51810 plugin.py defect
Wishlist 54054 exceptions print out urls instead of nice paths


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