[PATCH] Convert bundle errors from Exception to BzrNewError

Hermann Kraus hermann at physiklaborant.de
Mon Aug 7 01:13:49 BST 2006

On Sun, 06 Aug 2006 22:48:06 +0200, Aaron Bentley  
<aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> wrote:

> In that case, it might be good to set MalformedHeader.is_user_error to
> True.  Not strictly necessary, though, since I believe this is the  
> default.

I catch the exception and then raise an BzrCommandError so setting  
is_user_error should not be necessary.

>> BTW: It might
>> be good to extend this message to tell the user that the problem might
>> be a bundle with '\r\n' lineendings. But I'm not sure if the exception
>> text is the right place to do it.
> We could throw a different exception if there's a \r in the header.

I've created a patch for this, but I didn't know if the bundle should  
include the changes from the last patch, too or if it should only be  
created for the last revision. So I've attached two different bundles.

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