switch to a past revision

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Aug 3 09:45:09 BST 2006

On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 13:38 +1000, Michael Ellerman wrote:
> This stuff is all a little confusing, I don't think it can be made
> 100% obvious. But can we take any pointers from the way hg and/or git
> deal with it? ie. You have a set of possible head revisions and you
> can switch between them, but log/etc. work on the current one? Dunno,
> just a thought. 

Well hg and git work kindof differently. git always has a tree
available. So does hg. git has an explicit list of branches, hg has an
implicit list of branches. I dont know for sure about git but I suspect
that log shows the log from the tree last-revision, which can be altered
using switch. hg log shows the entire log of all revisions, without
reference to the last-revision of the tree. This is apparently a

So, I think we have a much nicer UI than either system for this part of
the problem space, and we should continue with our striving for the best
possible way to present it.


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