deprecation bug in bzr 0.9rc1

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed Aug 9 14:14:29 BST 2006

Michael Ellerman wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-08-08 at 22:33 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:


>>> cheers
>> It is deprecated in 0.9. The warning is wrong about labeling it 0.10.
> Ok, I'm really confused.

Aaron wasn't clear in his bug report...

Robert wrote the compare_trees =>  switch, but didn't think it
would make it into 0.9, so he originallly deprecated compare_trees for 0.10.

When it did make it in, he forgot to update the deprecation warning.

So Tree.changes_from(tree) is the recommended way to compare two trees,
as of bzr 0.9.


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