[PATCH][UPDATED] Re: make "merge" work nicely with revno:N:patch
Matthieu Moy
Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr
Tue Aug 8 11:15:20 BST 2006
Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> writes:
> There's no reason you shouldn't be able to do "bzr diff
> http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev -r -5..0". You can't, but that's arguably
> a bug.
That would be nice also, still, it doesn't provide the solution when
the revisions belong to different branches.
>> Command-line interface doesn't mean only /user/ interface, it's the
>> interface to anything calling bzr as an executable (as opposed to
>> calling bzrlib).
> Yes, but the commandline should be friendly to users. If the only way
> of diffing remote revisions is by using a syntax only a shell script
> could love, I think we've got a problem.
> And if we provide all the operations a shell script could want, I don't
> think it's cruel to shell scripts to make them use user-friendly syntax.
Well, matter of taste, but I don't find my proposed syntax
non-user-friendly ;-).
>>>>> so it's better to have it working.
>>> I really, really don't like jamming the branch info into the revision
>>> spec.
>> Well, I'm not the one who started this. "branch:..." has been there
>> for some time before I proposed and implemented that other revision
>> spec.
> By 'jamming', I meant making the branch location part of the spec's
> output. branch: only produces a revision id.
Because it does this local fetch. But that's internal implementation
"detail", it doesn't make a difference for the user.
And it makes the same UI problem. What does
$ bzr cat http://some/branch/some/file -r branch:http://some-other.branch/
mean for example ?
>> The difference beign that "branch:..." does a local fetch.
>> That's conveinient in some cases, but [...]
> This is an unusual case. The vast majority of the time, the fetch is
> helpful, because you'll do 'cd /my/kernel/tree; diff -r
> branch:http://example.com/my/other/kernel/tree/'. And then subsequent
> operations will not need to fetch the data from a remote branch again.
Agreed. In the vast majority of the time, the fetch is useful. Still,
in the long term, I'd like to see this "branch:" not do a local fetch
if the branches are unrelated for example, and "branch:" could work
also when called from outside a branch.
> There is another way: allow two branches to be specified. That would be
> much more consistent with what we already do.
I don't think this is the perfect solution either (disclaimer: I'm not
claiming my solution is perfect!):
$ bzr diff -r 4..4 branch/ other-branch/
At a glance, you see "4..4" and may think you're diff-ing twice the
same revision. The information about the first and the second revision
to diff are interleaved on the command line, I find it really strange.
$ bzr diff -r 4 branch -r 4 other-branch/
would be a bit more natural in this regard, but then it raises the old
"should a second -r override the first one", ...
>> I don't like the idea of providing the full path in a single URL.
> It made more sense when remote branches always had working trees. I
> agree it's a bit odd. Still, it's a pretty compact way of representing
> this information. Maybe we can change this convention, but we shouldn't
> make commands inconsistent just because you don't like the convention.
Well, here, I don't know what best to do. So, I'm really open to
proposals. Indeed, (cf. above), the problem already exists with
I'd probably like something like
usage: bzr cat FILENAME [BRANCH]
instead of the existing, but that means breaking the existing
behavior :-(.
> Remember that we already have the revid: revision spec, so we already
> permit most of our commands to accept totally arbitrary revisions.
True, I forgot about that.
That said, for log, I just tried "bzr log -r revid:xxx..revid:yyy",
with xxx and yyy beign two unrelated merges in a branch, it seems to
fall back silently to "bzr log".
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