[PATCH] Convert bundle errors from Exception to BzrNewError

Hermann Kraus hermann at physiklaborant.de
Sun Aug 6 18:21:49 BST 2006

On Sun, 06 Aug 2006 00:03:03 +0200, Aaron Bentley  
<aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> wrote:

> Thanks for your patch.  I created those errors that way because they're
> intended to be caught, not seen by the user, but perhaps that's naive.
> There's certainly no harm in making them consistent.

I wanted to output error messages like this:
"bzr: ERROR: Error reading bundle: Malformed bzr revision-bundle header:  
'Extra characters after version number'"
So the user has at least some indication of what's wrong. BTW: It might be  
good to extend this message to tell the user that the problem might be a  
bundle with '\r\n' lineendings. But I'm not sure if the exception text is  
the right place to do it.

> There are a few style issues:
> The line you changed to give a message to MalformedHeader is more than
> 79 character wide.  It should be split and/or rewritten.

I've changed this and also some other lines that were too long. Nearly  
everywhere in bundle/serializer/__init__.py lines with exception text were  
longer than 80characters.

> The spacing between classes in errors.py is not consistent.  There
> should always be two blank lines between classes, and none after
> MalformedFooter, because it's the last class in the file.


> Also, please don't don't use the file extension ".bundle" when attaching
> bundles.  This causes your mail client to treat it as a binary file,
> which makes it awkward for us to read, and means that the source code
> doesn't appear in replies.  I suggest ".patch" or ".diff".

I tried both, but it always gave "Content-Type:  
application/octet-stream;". So I'm using .txt now which gives  
"Content-Type: text/plain;"


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