
John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Aug 4 23:43:50 BST 2006

Matthew Nuzum wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 20:25 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>> Since Bazaar now has a semi-official icon. It would be nice to set the
>> favicon.ico file for the website to use it. It will help a little bit
>> with the Branding side of things. It is a small feature, but it would
>> help me when I have 10 tabs open, since Bazaar would have an obvious icon.
> Done. Good idea, although I'm not talented enough to make the icon look
> so sharp at only 16px square. Still, it looks good there and I do love
> having that little visual que on the browser tab.
> I've attached it to Welcome. When we get around to deciding that
> http://bazaar-vcs.org/BazaarVersionControl is ready to be the homepage
> we can either move the attachment and update the favicon tag or we can
> just leave the Welcome page there.

oooh. shiny

Thanks for adding the favicon.

I didn't realize you were looking to revamp the front page either. I'm
not sure that the copy is perfect, but if we want a nice simple front
page, it could work.


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