goals for 0.10 development

Stefan (metze) Metzmacher metze at samba.org
Thu Aug 3 10:22:43 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Martin Pool schrieb:
> Robert and I spent some time yesterday talking about the next bzr
> release cycle.  Robert previously posted a release timeline that will
> let us get new features out on a particular date.  But what new
> features?
> In general anything can come in that meets our review criteria of user
> experience, code quality, and test coverage.  For any patch, at least
> one of these should get better and none should get worse.  So if there
> is some particular itch you want to scratch, by all means go ahead; and
> if you aren't sure how to test it Robert will likely be happy to help
> work it out.  There are also some existing itches in the bug tracker
> that can be triaged or fixed.
> That said, here are some things people might like to work on, and that
> Canonical people will be working on.
> Some of these require discussion and/or specs about what should be
> done.
> High priority: Considered to be adoption blockers:
>  - Tags (mbp to spec, needs decision, spec, about how they're versioned)
>  - Smart server (mbp, andrew, needs to be pushed & explained so other people can
>    contribute)
>  - User documentation
>    - Select some user stories and make sure someone could work out how
>      to do them from the manual
>    - Audit that all non-hidden commands are discussed in the manual
>    - Make a dump (e.g. to html or text) of all online help and review/audit
>    - Upload manual and online help in html form to doc.bazaar-vcs.org

- --basis is still broken when the basis doesn't have allrevisions which
the source branch has (that the case for all feature branches...).

Also instead of handling the --basis in the cmd, I think basis should be
on argument to the .fetch() methods of the branch classes.

so that the fetch can first try to ask basis and on failure try the real

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