[RFC] Benchmark configuration handling

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Sat Jul 29 02:24:27 BST 2006

On Fri, 2006-07-28 at 10:16 +0200, Carl Friedrich Bolz wrote:
> Hi all!
> What's the preferred way to handle configuration for benchmarks? The
> problem is that the number of options for a benchmark run will likely
> increase: the times that the SocketDelay sleeps per roundtrip and per
> transmitted character are the first things, but other options might
> follow.  (The benchmark config file probably also should contain
> information how to produce a web page so that people can
> easily publish results from certain benchmarking settings at
> some point).

Erm, I think each benchmark test should have its settings fixed, I see
no reason to configure or change them: benchmark identity would be
valueless if they are altered. For the same reason we try not to change
benchmarks after they are accepted into the mainline.

> So it would be nice to have a way to specify various benchmark
> configurations and naming them (to be shown in the performance-history
> page for example). What's a good way of doing this? We (Jan,
> Holger and me) thought about adding a new configuration file somewhere
> with various sections to correspond to various settings and a global
> section to list the configurations.
> A notes on the target group of this file: the benchmark
> configuration probably does not need to be visible/advertised to
> end users, i.e. should primarily be convenient to use for
> developers/people caring for working with and producing benchmarks.
> Probably, allowing to set (the possibly rather numerous) options from
> the commandline is not important, is it?
> Comments?

I think this is YAGNI. What prompted the desire to do it?

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