[attn aaron] WorkingTree._write_inventory/_set_inventory considered harmful

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Fri Jul 28 17:58:40 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-07-27 at 09:43 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:

>>We'd need an interface that allowed us to perform a bunch of
>>operations without hitting disk.  The changes would still be performed
>>in TreeTransform.apply, then.
>>The operations needed are add, remove and lookup.
> So - 'add' - adds a file or dir or symlink that is on disk, with a
> fileid. Is the tree allowed to stat the file at that point? (or can you
> provide a stat and sha1 value ?)

In some cases (e.g. when moving files), I will have an inventory entry
already, so it seems best to provide a way to add an inventory entry
directly.  That inventory entry may also have children.

I'm not sure whether I'll always have stat and sha1, but I think it's
possible to provide it.

> 'remove' - remove a file or dir or symlink from the current working
> inventory. Should it remove children ?

Since the purpose of removing an inventory entry may be to add it
somewhere else, it should remove children.

> Do you represent moves as a remove of the entry, then an add of an entry
> with the same id ?

Yes.  Doing it this way avoids ordering issues.

> Is lookup 'fileid->path' ?

No, fileid->InventoryEntry.  Perhaps we can continue using
self.wt.inventory[file_id] for this.

>>Or alternatively, we can provide a list of files / ids affected by the
>>transform, so you can use that to avoid a full rescan.
> That might work, though I think mutation is probably better.

I'll add that if we start ever support 'bk edit'-style functionality,
we'll likely want that anyhow.  But perhaps YAGNI.

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