Break up mailing list archive by months

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Jul 28 01:17:01 BST 2006

Martin Pool wrote:

> The first makes sense but perhaps isn't worth the disruption in its own
> right.  (Plenty of lists have historical names.)  But perhaps it's time
> to do the second - the developer traffic is so high that it's probably
> pretty hard for people just using the system to subscribe, and there do
> seem to be a number of people who'll answer user questions but might not
> want to read every code review.
> So I propose that, next month:
>   - create new lists bazaar-users and bazaar-devel
>     (those suffixes are consistent with other lists there; no
>     bikeshedding please) 
>   - both use monthly archives, but otherwise have similar policies
>   - non-subscriber posts will be manually moderated, as at present -
>     which seems like a reasosnable spam/time/openness tradeoff
>   - all existing subscribers are subscribed to both and get a mail
>     explaining it
>   - the bazaar-ng archives are used to populate bazaar-devel's archive
>     (if possible)
>   - the web site's updated to explain this
>   - bazaar-ng forwards to bazaar-devel
>   - tell gmane about this

+1 from me. Sounds like a very reasonable thing to do.


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