[PATCH] win32 installer for bzr 0.9: rev.2

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Jul 27 20:00:03 BST 2006

Alexander Belchenko wrote:


>> I do believe something like the GPL is generally added as either
>> COPYING.txt, or as GPL. I'd probably be happier with GPG.txt than
>> 'gpl.txt'.
> It's name from gnu.org site. I'm not invent them. So what the best
> variant? COPYING (either with extension .txt or without) is good for
> installer and for me. I rename it to COPYING. You agree?

hmm.. Probably best as COPYING.txt, since that is pretty common, and
allows users to double click to open on all platforms.


>> There are other ways to start 'bzr.iss' without requiring the exact path
>> to Inno Setup.
> The simplest one method to run Inno Setup compiler is to have his
> installation directory in the $PATH. I prefer to change to:
>     iscc /Q tools\win32\bzr.iss
>> I don't know the right way to do it from a Makefile, but in python I use
>> either:
>> win32api.ShellExecute(0, 'compile', filename, None, None, 0)
>> Or with ctypes:
>> ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteA(0, 'compile', filename,
>>                                     None, None, 0)
> I don't think we need too complex solutions.

I think you can also run 'start tools\win32\bzr.iss' which will launch
the program associated with that file type.

The above are just calling ShellExecute, which looks up the association
for the file, and runs the 'compile' option.

'start' runs the equivalent of double clicking on the file. I don't know
if that will compile, or just run InnoSetup configuration utility.


I probably prefer running 'start' to any of the others. I don't know a
Makefile trick to call into the win32 api. Probably there is something
you could do with 'rundll32', but I don't know the tricks.

>>> -Contains the default user config. Only one section, ``[DEFAULT]`` is
>>> allowed.
>>> +Contains the default user config. At least one section,
>>> ``[DEFAULT]`` is required.
>>>  A typical default config file may be similiar to::
>>>      [DEFAULT]
>> I don't believe that [DEFAULT] is actually required.
>> In fact, I believe if you only have entries in the file, they
>> automatically go into the 'DEFAULT' section.
>> Does your experience contradict this?
> Well, I send this improvements for separate review but no one speak up.
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar-ng/2006q3/015052.html
> What the best way to rework this sentences?

Yeah, I didn't get to that one, and when I was reviewing this, it seemed
to be included.

Anyway ...

Contains the users default configuration. The section ``[DEFAULT]`` is
used to define general configuration that will be applied everywhere.
The section ``[ALIASES]`` can be used to create command aliases for
commonly used options.

A typical config file might look something like::

  email=John Doe <jdoe at isp.com>

  commit = commit --strict
  log10 = log --short -r -10..-1

That's at least my recommendation. I don't know if you want to go into
that much detail about the configuration file.

But if you do update autodoc_rstx.py, you should update autodoc_man.py
as well. As the comments in there are also wrong.


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