How to work from behind proxies ? (with patch providing a partial solution)

Vincent LADEUIL v.ladeuil at
Thu Jul 27 16:34:04 BST 2006

>>>>> "jam" == John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:

    >> Does that confirm that sftp is the only protocol allowing
    >> 'bzr push' yet ?

    jam> We support it over ftp, but you said you can't ftp
    jam> through a proxy with python's ftplib implementation.

    jam> And obviously if you have a local share of some type
    jam> (NFS,samba, etc)


    jam> But no, we don't support push over http (webdav) yet.


    >>  And as you didn't answer to the other points in the
    >> original mail, does that mean that you consider using
    >> pycurl from behind a restricted firewall not worth the
    >> effort ?  Or is it just that sftp is better considering my
    >> encryption requirement ?

    jam> I think pulling over pycurl and https is very good.
    jam> And I think we should handle proxies for pycurl. 


    jam> But from other comments, it already works. 

Strange, it was not in  my case (I mean respecting the http_proxy
env variable).

    jam> It just doesn't work with password support.

I'll dig deeper to get a better understanding then.


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