How to work from behind proxies ? (with patch providing a partial solution)
v.ladeuil at
Thu Jul 27 10:45:35 BST 2006
>>>>> "martin" == martin f krafft <madduck at> writes:
martin> also sprach Vincent LADEUIL <v.ladeuil at>
martin> [2006.07.27.1012 +0100]:
>> Thanks for the hint, but the proxy I'm behind opens only
>> the ports for http and https (ftp can work only if
>> tunneled thru http), and the OpenVPN doc clearly says that
>> the firewall should forward the port 1194.
martin> I have my OpenVPN server work on port 443/tcp
martin> precisely to manage to get around fascist
Seems you get the F meaning :-)
martin> firewalls. It works.
Hmmm. So you propose to install OpenVPN on the H host only and
not on the F one (where I lack admins privileges to modify
network setup) ? Care to elaborate a bit on your setup then ?
How would I handle https connections for the H https server
already listening on 443 ?
This becomes a bit off-topic so maybe we should continue in
private and I'll post a summary if I can setup a working config.
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